YouTube Playable Piano Series

Did you know that you can play a basic sample instrument directly on YouTube? I have prepared 6 videos that let you actually play them as if they were a sample instrument.

YouTube has had this nice feature for quite a long time, I’m sure you’ve used it already, but it was just the other day when I realised that a simple video could be turned into a playable instrument.

How does it work?

If you press any number from 0 to 9 in your computer keyboard, the video you’re watching will scroll to 0% to 90% accordingly. I rendered a video containing notes ranging from C3 to E4 mapped at exactly these locations. When you press a number the video will be scrolled directly to a note:

1 – C3
2 – D3
3 – E3
4 – F3
5 – G3
6 – A3
7 – B3
8 – C4
9 – D4
0 – E4

“ It's not done to be an actual instrument that you can use in your production, but a cool way of playing some melodies easily.
It's just for fun :)”

Here you have some melodies:

  • 41469 8 41469 8 42460 9 42460 9
  • 135853135853 136863136863 114686414686 257975257975 8
  • 78998765567766 78998765567655 6756787567876562 778998765567655
  • 1242665 124255432 124245321 15 4
  • 5 65 3 5 65 3 9 97 8 85 6 68765653 6 68765653
  • 5 6 88888 88 56 88888 88 56 88888 88 887


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